You know that there are always some rich fellows that bid for a particular number for their car plates and that in Spore, the amount can reach tens of thousands? Well, Dubai beat Spore hands down in this extravagant display of wealth. The guy in the middle bought the number "7" for a cool Dh11m. That's S$4.5m dollars!!! WTF right??!! And this is not the extreme. The same fellow had earlier set a world record, paying Dh25.3m (S$10.5m dollars!!) for the number "5"!! Haha. Can you imagine? The car plate number is actually more expensive than the ferraris and lamborginis that he will probably own!! Haha. I can picture him saying to his friends while pointing to his latest ferrari, "don't look at the car, check out the number 7!" . Haha. I just don't get it. Well, at least one good thing that came out of this crazy auction is that the money raised will be used to help accidents victims although we can't really know for sure. But at least that's what the article says.
Oh ya, the kid on the left is the son of another rich Arab. He is only 10yrs old but is already spending millions of dollars to bid for NUMBERS for his dad!! Haha. Case closed.